our last round table in Lima.


Haciendo Iglesia (Doing Church) is one of the things we have the privilege to do to impact and change the church in Latin America. At Camino de Vida we are committed to embellish the church of Christ in our part of the world. Haciendo Iglesia started with the desire to help churches that feel stuck, to reach new levels of growth and development.

Haciendo Iglesia is a commitment of three years from our part to train and mentor churches through round tables where we talk about new ways of doing church and reaching out to the next generation without compromising the gospel. Our goal is to help 1,000 churches pass the barrier of 1,000 members. We believe that will bring true change to our society in Latin America. Stalin has the privilege to be part of the team that travels all over Peru and Latin America as a translator for guest speakers.

Currently, Haciendo Iglesia has started the mentorship process in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and Spain.

If you understand Spanish and want to learn more about Haciendo Iglesia, check haciendoiglesia.com