The Facts


Fact #1

The current situation in Peru

Peru went into lockdown in May 2020 and is still in a state of emergency (marshall law). As a church, we went straight to work switching everything online. We are still 100% online. All 7 Sunday services, all 1,000+ small groups, all meetings, all classes, all teachings…everything online. The crazy thing is that the church that we serve under, Camino de Vida, has more than doubled since going online.


Fact #2

How we do ministry during a pandemic

Most of what we do is currently online, however, there is a small group of people that are able to go out into the community to continue giving out donations, working in person with our Kids Club, and even streaming our Sunday services from our main campus. Thanks to technology (mostly Zoom), we are able to continue teaching classes, counseling men and women, coordinating volunteers & leading teams for Sunday services. If you want to check out more from our church in English, you can go to the Lifemissions website!


Fact #3

How can you be part of ministry in Peru?

There are more people whose lives will be changed by the gospel, more people who will have hope and a future and you are part of it. Yes! We are in this together. The great commission is a call God has made to the Church all over the world. And you are called to be part of it. In a third-world country to do the work we are doing, churches can not afford to pay everyone on staff, and just like our senior pastors and other missionary families, we raise support.

So, here is the part in which on behalf of God we want to ask you or your church to prayerfully consider partnering with us to continue extending the kingdom in this part of the world through a monthly donation or one-time giving. We would not only appreciate it but we believe that together we are fulfilling the great commission. Understand that your giving is just as spiritual and as important as the work we do because without those resources we simply could not do everything we do. God bless you!

If you believe that you want to be part of the work God is doing through us please click on the give button.



This is where YOU can help


Total budget already funraised