Zion is walking and we are going to Mexico! 😱

Ok! I hope we got your attention! Yes! Zion is walking, she is 14 months and she is awesome! She is an independent little toddler, she loves people, music, eating and now walking. This has been the best experience ever for us. God is using this time to show us how important everyday is and how much impact our lives have on others and especially on our children.

On a different note we want to let you know that we will be going to Mexico to be part of a hosting team for a pastors conference called “Crecer”. We are going to be working alongside Church of the Highlands, hosting and translating for a team of speakers that will be ministering to around 500 pastors in Mexico.

Mexico is one of the places our church is invested in. We have a ministry called “Haciendo Iglesia” that is part of Caminodevida. Before the pandemic we used to have several round tables for pastors in Peru and in other countries of Latin America. We had to stop for over 2 years because of the pandemic. So, this is a big come back and we are excited.

However, we will have to leave Zion in Peru with Stalin’s parents for a week. Please support us in prayer as this is a big deal for us, first time parents, having to leave our baby for the first time.
If you would like to check more about Haciendo iglesia you can click on here.


Visiting The States

Friends and Family! As you know we are in America until April 10th of this year! it will have been 2 months since we came to visit family after 2 years of the pandemic and the birth of Zion. Also, we wanted to visit some of you, our supporters, we wish we could visit you all but we are trying to cover as much territory as we can.

We have been all over the place. Well you could almost use that phrase with us lately. Our First stop was the Washington area staying a night with our amazing family/friends the Balcombes who have been letting us drive their vehicle all this time. After that, we went to NJ to visit and minister at Today’s Church, pastors Jay and Paola Ariso are leading a life giving church in this area, it was an honored and amazing experience to be with them and to see a little bit of NJ and NY city. The next stops were Maryland with our dearest Nobles, our beloved Danny and Denise and our sponsor church Chesapeake Christian Fellowship.

Following we headed south, made a stop in Tennessee to visit with the Smiths (not the band) who graciously opened their home to us in the middle of icing roads, and finally made to Arkansas where we have been staying with family and friends who are family to us, like the Diaz and the Drumms (in Missouri).
Zion finally got to meet her family in Arkansas. Paige’s mom and the aunts and cousins and the whole gang. They have been amazing to her and she is loving her time here.
Also, We had the privilege to share with the Arkansas dream center about what we do in Peru with our church Caminodevida.
Currently we are in Georgia with Paige’s family in a spring break vacation. We are enjoying the city and the history of the place although our minds and hearts are always with our church, but we are trying to enjoy this precious time as much as we can.
The last two weeks will be split between Arkansas and Florida. We are going to visit with some of our friends in orlando and get to know new amazing people. We know all this sounds exciting and fun, and it has been all that, but also has been challenging with Zion being still very young. We wanted to come here not only to see family but to let our supporters know that we are alive and more active and excited than ever to continue working in ministry.
Please be in prayer about our visit in Florida where we are going to be talking to people about possibly partnering with us. We are always in need to continue raising support, and although we know it’s not about convincing people we pray that God will do his thing.
We love guys! we still need to contact a lot of you if we haven’t done it yet please know we want to see you! and at the same trying to do all the things here. We love you thank you for reading us!

Stalin, Paige and Zion



Thanks for blessing us so we can be a blessing to others through the local church. As a thank you, here's a short 6 minute video of the last few months of ministry and family life.

It is was about time. Zion is now 2 months and we are just starting to get the hang of it. In this short video we want to tell you what is going with Zion, Peru as a country and what God is doing through Caminodevida. Thanks for watching! July 2021

End of the year video
December 28th. 2020

As we finish the year we want to thank those who make our ministry possible in Peru. You are God’s answer not only for us but for many. We know we are living in trying times but we also know this is exactly why we are here. So, This year Caminodevida has been able to reach 226, 786 people through food handouts, kids club lunches, a hotline for covid19 patients, clothing distribution and so much more. The great need people are experiencing is a greater opportunity to tell them Jesus loves you and he is real even now. The church is arising and shining God’s love for the world and we are doing this together.

We are pregnant!
December 28th. 2020

We are happy to announce through this means that we are pregnant! when Paige and I started dating having children of our own was not in our plans but I want to say that God changed our hearts. Thus, during this quarantine, we have been working on the baby Solis project. We are happy to let you know this wonderful news. Paige is by now 19 weeks pregnant. Our dream is that this baby will be part of God’s people who will carry on changing the world through the gospel of Jesus. SO, we are excited and expectant of what is ahead of us. We also want to ask you for steady and faithful support and we mean not only financial but also through your prayers. Thank you for joining our joy!!


Conversation with the Nobles

This week we have the Nobles with us sharing about their coping with the new normal. They are 30 mixtures away from DC we talked about how the ministry is looking for churches in their area and how life looks for them and their families now. We hope you will be encouraged by this talk like we were.

A Conversation with the Drumms

we had an awesome time talking to David and Stephanie who are our dear friends and part of our support team. They share with us their experience during Covid19 how they are coping with it and the life lessons that are being written in their lives.

A Heart Check up

Today we are sharing about something we have been talking about these last days of quarantine.

Memorial week!

May 25th, 2020

This week we are going to be talking about some thoughts on stress and anxiety and some good news that is still happening.


The Wallet
May 18th, 2020

This is a vlog about how God desires to speak to us even through stressful situations to meet our greatest need. No, this is not about money.


April 6th update! Great things are happening!

2020 Update on life and Covid19


We just made a video to share with you what is going on in Peru with the Coronavirus and how the church is reacting to this challenge and the new season we are moving into.

Closing the year!


We are so happy to share with you that tomorrow Stalin is going to be traveling to the city of Puno with an amazing team of pastors to do Haciendo Iglesia is one of the last round tables of the year. Puno is in the Andes of Peru the Titicaca lake is located. This is our second time this year visiting this city, we are thankful to be part of this amazing ministry that Camino de Vida is doing to bless the church in Peru and in all over Latin America.

HACIENDO OCTUBREedited-01978.jpg

Starting October strong


Stalin and a group of pastors of our CDV family were just in Arequipa and Cusco, the two biggest cities in the mountains of Peru, ministering to other pastors about Haciendo Iglesia. It has been such an awesome time, we are thankful to play a part in seeing a change in the church of Peru. It is so exciting to see more young pastors and older pastors getting on board and excited about the future of their churches. The first step in the process of Haciendo iglesia is called “do not fear change” you will see some laughing faces, so the first point is checked!



Every year in September our church hosts literally thousands of women from Latin America that come to our conference to receive and unleash what God has deposited in their lives. We are excited and expectant for this year’s conference. We start tomorrow! until Saturday. This year the name of our conference is “INCONTABLE” which translates to “countless” as God’s plans and promises for us. Pastor Robert always says this is not a woman’s conference but this is our church’s conference for the woman. So we all are involved in serving and lifting up the woman of our lives and our community. Please join us in prayer as this is going to be an amazing time of transformation for so many women but also we know the opposition will arise from many places when something is about to drop from heaven.


This Saturday, September 7th we are going to have a family day at the Kids club. We are expecting to have 40 parents who will come with their kids to have lots of fun, food, games and it will be an opportunity to connect them with our campus Pastors in La Victoria. Please join us in prayer for favor and grace with the parents as this will be their first time at the church.



We are excited to share that this year we will be coming to the US for the holidays! It will be 2 years since the last time we were in Paige’s motherland. We are thankful for the chance to be with family and friends who are family to us. It will be a time to rest and also prepare for 2020. Please join us in prayer as we are also going to take this time to reconnect with friends and churches who have been supporting us, some of them financially but also through prayer and friendship. For more details on the trip and if you wish to help us funding part of the traveling expenses please click here. Thank you!



About a week ago our Church started “Adopt- a -Block” and we loved it it has been one of the highlights in this season. CDV has been in La Victoria, one of the toughest districts in our city, for a few years now but we just started this outreach. How many of you know that it takes a while to build great things? Adopt a block is about taking an extra step towards reaching out to our community by showing them that is not about “us” and “them” but actually is about “us all.” We got to clean a whole block and also, painted a house, handed out free food, painted kids’ faces, had a kids show and a clothing store where our neighbors could just come and pick whatever clothes they needed. Adopt a block is not a one-time event, but its potential is found inconsistency. It is about telling our community we are here to love you, we are in this together.

P.S see the picture of the older man painting? if you have not noticed he is not wearing a red T-shirt. He was a neighbor who was thankful and asked if he could help painting his neighborhood. That was one of our favorite parts of this day!


Dental Sealant


Last week we had an amazing outreach at the Kids Club. A clinic in the city saw on social media what our Church is doing in this part of town and they offered to come and have the kid’s teeth sealed. Thankful to see God using his Church to make a tangible impact in the life of these awesome kids!


Haciendo Iglesia Puno


This weekend we are going to be having a round table in the city of Puno. Here is a little bit about Puno:  

With a population of 128,637 Puno is located in the mountains of Peru. Yes, Peru is not just mountains. Most people live on the coast. Because of its location (12,556 ft), it is very cold, about 40F all year round.

Puno is the first major hub in the constant migration of indigenous peoples of the Andes to the larger cities of Peru. Puno is the recipient of new residents from surrounding smaller agricultural communities of people seeking better opportunities for education and employment.


Most people in Puno are bilingual (Spanish and local dialect Aymara) There is a gap also between generations. The older is more conservative and traditional while young people are already in touch with technology and pop culture. As a result, the church has been missing a generation which are people in their 20’s and 30’s. However, we are excited to see a growing group of churches that want to reach the next generation and we believe in these ministries that are embracing the change in order to affect the next generation with the gospel. This will be the second visit we will make in the process. 2 out of 6! Stay tuned for more news about Haciendo Iglesia Peru.


The Kids Club is growing!

APRIL. 22.2019

We have great news! The project we get to be a part of, the Kids Club of Camino de Vida, is growing. We are going to be reaching out to kids with the same experience in 3 different areas of our city. These are areas that have kids at risk as well. The goal is to connect these kids to the local Church. So, we are going to be planting seeds in these other areas. we are talking hundreds of kids.

Please be praying for us. We are learning as we go, but we have seen God’s hand over this project that is close to the heart of our church and the need of the kids of our city. currently we have about 50 kids who have been connected to our Church campuses in the city of La Victoria. With the new venues that our church is reaching, we are talking about over 200 kids that we are going to be ministering, maybe 500 by the end of the year.

Conference weekend “Conferencia La Sal

This weekend we as a church are going to be hosting La Sal conference. This is aimed to empower the local church through different tools for worship, media, social media, and leadership. We are going to have our Senior Pastors Robert and Karyn Barriger pouring into the hearts of pastors and leaders who are coming literally from all over Latin America.

Please pray for the whole team from Camino de Vida that is going to be serving their hearts out during these days. For grace, wisdom, and extra energy. We love to be part of something that is greater than us, we love to be part of the heart of this house which is to embellish the church so that we can keep reaching for one more.


180 people got baptized


Death is dead! We had such an amazing weekend. 180 people throughout our 6 campuses made the decision to follow Jesus and to declare it publicly. Peru is still a very religious country, so easter is a time to go to church, mourn, and fast meat. But this weekend we did all the opposite. We did not mourn but we reflected on the sacrifice of salvation and offered the opportunity to baptize anyone who had not done it before. The response was massive and beautiful, 180 people, entire families in some cases. Thank you for being part of what God is doing in Peru!

Back from Haciendo Iglesia Arequipa


Over 35 pastors from different churches were part of the round table and shops that we had in Arequipa. More than 35 churches from different denominations and ministries, Baptists and Pentecostals in one room, talking about diversity in the body of Christ. We discussed church growth and how to reach the next generation. Arequipa is the second-largest city in Peru. There is a big generational gap in the church, meaning most churches do not have young people. We are excited to see young pastors and older pastors coming together to extend the kingdom of God.


Servolution was awesome!


This last Servolution was just great! We had 2500 volunteers involved, 16900 people were reached and 847 people got saved! The kids club visited a nursing home. So many of these kids had the experience of their lives. Most of them come from really tough backgrounds and this was just such an opportunity our Church provided for the kids to be used by God.


Looking forward to this upcoming weekend April 13th!


Trip to Arequipa

Stalin and a team of Pastors from CDV will be traveling to minister to over 30 churches in the second largest city of Peru, Arequipa. Haciendo Iglesia (HI) is a ministry within Camino de Vida that exists to help churches that feel stuck to reach new levels of growth and progress through following a two-year process. We are opening a new round table in this great city. Please be praying for us and for the pastors of these beautiful churches here. If you would like to find out more about Haciendo Iglesia just click here.

Servolution Weekend!

Every year as we come close to Easter week we have a servolution weekend. Thousands of people from Camino de Vida head to the street of our city to serve it and to be carriers of God’s love and healing to a wounded world. Some of the things we get to do are the following: visits to nursing homes and children's homes, remodeling of fire stations and police stations, cleaning roads and streets, wheelchair distribution and handing out food and water, visits to hospitals among many others.

Also, please keep us in prayer as we are leading a team of over volunteers and 40 children from the Kids Club. We are going to visit a state nursing home. It is going to be awesome! The following pics are from the Last servolution day we had for our anniversary in January.

Water donation for natural disaster

About a month ago some of the cities in the south of the country had massive landslides leaving them without water and electricity for weeks. And just last week Camino de Vida and Harvest Mission Community Church have made a donation (2800 liters of water) to the government in response to the natural disaster that hit that area. This help is going to a small town called Mirave in the south of Peru. Thank you Harvest Mission Community Church for your generosity.

Backpack giveaway

The school year is about to start in Peru and the children at the Kids club just received a backpack donation last Saturday! They are super excited! Thank you Orphans Promise and Camino de Vida for making this possible. Most of these kids’ parents have a hard time each school year buying the basic supplies for school we are thankful to be part of this. God is doing something great in the lives of these kids.




Last Saturday we had an end-of-summer Saturday with the kids of la Victoria. It was beautiful to share this time with the kids of the area. This summer we had workshops where our volunteers taught Communications, English, Mathematics, and Robotics! The reality in this part of town can be tough in this part of town. Most of the kids are exposed to things that no individual should be exposed to. But we are given the opportunity to be a light in one of the darkest areas. Through this ministry, we show them that there’s is hope and a future.


giving to the community

the kids club first servolution


often low-income communities in Peru can feel the sense of entitlement to always be on the receiving end. Last month for our church’s anniversary every ministry went out to the streets to do unexpected acts of kindness without receiving anything in return. Well…the children from the Kids club were PUMPED! We gave out cookies and free water to people on the streets. It was their first time giving to the community. We know these kids are going to be part of the Change God is already orchestrating in this community of La Victoria.


God is doing great things! Last month we were visited by a manager from Starbucks. They blessed us with free breakfast for all of the children. (no coffee in it) It was a great time to also witness to them. They were happy to see what is going on in La Victoria through Camino de Vida and the Kids Club.


Watch this Video!

This is a recap of the last year and our 30th anniversary last January. You were part of this through your partnership. If you want to know how you can get involved in what is happening in Peru, click on contact us.